Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Playboy and Penthouse Free On Your iPhone

Zinio has released an optimized iPhone magazine reader which allows you to view full popular magazines for free.

And hurry up - this might not last long.

We heard about Zinio releasing an iPhone version of it's super-popular online magazine reader, so we decided to do a little investigation.

On their regular website Zinio.com offers a single issue for $4.99 - and allows you to preview the first 20 pages (which are 75% ads anyway)

The iPhone version - however - allows you to view the entire magazine - from start to finish - for free.

To access this site go to: www.zinio.com/iphone from your iPhone

If you don't own an iPhone but want to view these magazines anyway:

Simply change your user agent to iPhone on your Safari browser by following these super simple instructions.


Do the same on your Mozilla Firefox browser by following these quick and easy instructions.

It's worth it.

Pictures are not scrambled on Zinio.

They offer tons of popular magazine titles:

US News


Mens Health


Car and Drive




PC Magazine



Technology Review

Popular Photography

...and more are constantly being updated

iPod/ iPhone screen shots easy

I found useful PC/Mac application to make screen shots from your iPod or iPhone without any cable.

All you need is download and install on your PC. Run it, than give username/password pair: root/alpine (if you didn't change it).
And directory to save screenshots.

It could be error message on first start but it is ok.

Download it from here.

iScreenShot could make screenshot even from iPhone camera. Check video.

my i Pod Touch screen

My iPod Touch screen.
I'm using Categories to sort applications and reduce space usage.

Kingdom Lores public access

Marco Giorgini published alpha version 0.0.62 RPG/Fantasy 3d game Kingdom Lores.
It is initial version drop, but it is amazing and gives an idea what exact power do you have in hand. It is clearly seen bright future of IPod/IPhone game consoles.

Download the game from BigBoss’s repository.
Or get it directly from developer. http://www.marcogiorgini.com/iPhone/plist.xml

And remember it is just alpha version.

Excuses generator

Excuses generator is fun stuff to generate text. It is quite useful, if you have no idea in head, standing in front of Police officer or School Director.

Safari : http://iphone.sleepers.net/repo.xml - Sources

This program availble only in english version and could be downloaded from here. You can find it in BigBoss’s Apps and Things repository.

official site.



First prototype works! ZodTTD author of popular console emulators such as gpsPhone, psx4all, NES, SNES, Genesis said that his group developed first prototype of IControlPad

Shown prototype will give possibility to play any games as if you are playing on gamepad. 17 of May first prototype was completed. Additional info could be found here.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Notes One of my famous appplications

It is one of the most useful applications for me.
I use it everywhere in a car in Shops on the street.
Simple clip notes. Apple's Repository. MobileNotes.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Simple Translation App for Mobile Browsers iPod touch

via Lifehacker by Kevin Purdy on 5/19/08

Coder Mike Brittain has put together a super-clean site for iPhone, Blackberry, Opera Mini, and other mobile browsers that lets you quickly click two languages to translate words or phrases between and then do it. The site supports 11 languages at the moment, and you can easily bookmark a language pairing for quick access while traveling. Those without data connections should try Google's SMS translation service.
Mobile Translator

Enable Wifi on your device
open Safary and goto http://m.mikebrittain.com/tr

Than you'll be able to start using this service.

Monday, May 19, 2008

iPod Touch Term-vt100 application

Hi there:)
Today I'll explain how to use your iPod as unix terminal with WiFi connection and give you few tips on using Unix terminal.

This is basic application, which could be installed via Installer application after jailbreak. You can find it in section System Term-vt100. You'll also need BSD Subsystem for proper work of basic functions.

By the way, iPod is "PC" - web server, application server, Db etc. you can install all of that if needed.

Right after installation you can launch it and try useful menu i call it HotKey. Tap on terminal screen you should see something like this

ls exit cd
clear locate
grep find less
123... misc ;~)

1 ls is a submenu for directory listing options - select it and try clean "ls".
You should get current directory files and folders. "ls -la" is a standard command for listing advanced info of files and directories for full set of options description check this.

2 exit is a direct command to exit terminal to restore terminal you'll have to restart your device.

3 cd Change Directory command with few keys cd ~ navigates you to your home dir.
cd .. nav to up directory in a tree. "cd /" navs you to iPod root.

4 clear - cleans terminal.

5 locate - command to locate programs

6 grep is text search command for full reference please check this article.

7 find is a file and folder search utility.

8 less prints file content into terminal

9 123... is where you can find numbers for advanced commands.

10 misc contains useful features like terminal customization -

10.1 config, where you can setup you own menu terminal options, etc.

10.2 ps process listing. analog of windows task manager

10.3 sudo is a set of commands related to administration features execute something with administrator rights etc. (it is not implemented on iPod but available on iPhone).

10.4 nano subset of commands like page up/ page down for fast scroll and few more.

11 ;~) special chars fast access.

well it is a menu. fuf...

Lets check what we can do with it.

check build-in Unix functions.

Good luck:)
If any questions or suggestions please post a comment or write me email.

I'm looking for co authors for my Blog.

Turning your iPhone/iPod Touch into a handheld hacking device

Source: HITB

By: L33tdawg

This is a brief guide for all iphone and ipod touch hackers looking to turn your device into a truly portable and powerful hacking tool. The iPod Touch makes the perfect companion device for the security professional and can be quite handy for the quick hack when you're without your notebook/laptop. It's small and inconspicuous (basically you just look like you're listening to your tunes while you sniff the network *evil grin*)

What you'll need

- A jail broken / hacked ipod touch or iphone - For this article I used an 8GB iPod touch but the same instructions should apply for all you iphone users. In fact the iPhone has the benefit of having GPRS data connectivity options which means you could still get some hacking done without a wifi connection although it would be painfully slow. The method you use to jailbreak your device is really and truly up to you and is honestly beyond the scope of this article. Here are some useful links to jailbreaking for both the touch and iPhone:


- Installer.app (I would assume if you have a hacked iTouch/iPhone this would be one of the first things you'd install anyway or if you've used one of the newer 1.1.1 unlockers, Installer.app usually comes installed by default). If you're running OS X, I would seriously give iJailBreak a go - http://code.google.com/p/ijailbreak/. I've used it and it's absolutely painless. Super impressive as well that it's written by a 13 year old!

- SSH Client on your desktop - Putty is fine or if you're in OS X you can just use the client from the terminal

- SFTP Client on your desktop - I like CyberDuck although you can most certainly use the command line sftp as well

- XCode / Developer Tools and the arm-apple-darwin environment - If you're really serious about building your own customized security suite, you're going to need the arm-apple-darwin source so you can build / port applications over to the ARM architecture. XCode and the developer tools are on the Tiger or Leopard installation DVD under Optional Installs. Once you've got that set up, you'll also need the decrypted iPhone/iPod root filesystem - You can either decrypt the restore software (a pain in the ass imho) or just scp the files over from the device. This method here: http://www.touchdev.net/wiki/Jailbreak_Guide works pretty well. I put my filesystem in /usr/local/ipodfs. You'll need to set an environment variable named $HEAVENLY to the path where you placed your fs:

export HEAVENLY=/usr/local/ipodfs

Now to get the rest of the stuff set up.
Grab a copy of Low Level Virtual Machine or LLVM from svn

svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk llvm-svn -r 42498 (or -r 42286. I've found that the 42498 revision doesn't build for me on Leopard 10.5, however the older 42286 rev seems to work perfectly fine)

cd llvm-svn

./configure --enable-optimized

make ENABLE-OPTIMIZED=1 (do note this does take a fair amount of time to build)

make install

export LLVMOBJDIR=`pwd`

Grab a copy of iphone-dev from svn and build odcctools and csu

mkdir /usr/local/arm-apple-darwin (to hold the resulting toolchain - binaries will be placed in /usr/local/bin/)

svn co http://iphone-dev.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ iphone-dev

cd iphone-dev

mkdir -p build/odcctools

cd build/odcctools

../../odcctools/configure --target=arm-apple-darwin --disable-ld64

export INCPRIVEXT="-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk" (you'll need this step if you're on Leopard)

make && make install

cd ../../

cd include

./configure --with-macosx-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk

sudo bash install-headers.sh

cd ../

Build csu

mkdir -p build/csu

cd build/csu

../../csu/configure --target=arm-apple-darwin

sudo make install

cd ../../

Now here comes the hardest part - building LLVM-GCC

mv llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone/configure llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone/configure.old

sed 's/^FLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$/FLAGS_FOR_TARGET=${FLAGS_FOR_TARGET-}/g' llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone/configure.old > llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone/configure

chmod +x llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone/configure

sudo ln -s /usr/local/arm-apple-darwin/lib/crt1.o /usr/local/arm-apple-darwin/lib/crt1.10.5.o

mkdir -p build/llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone

cd build/llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone

export FLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-mmacosx-version-min=10.1"

../../llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone/configure --enable-llvm=`llvm-config --obj-root`

--enable-languages=c,c++,objc,obj-c++ --target=arm-apple-darwin

--enable-sjlj-exceptions --with-heavenly=$HEAVENLY



make LLVM_VERSION_INFO=2.0-svn-iphone-dev-0.3-svn

sudo make install

cd ../../../

If everything worked correctly you should have arm-apple-darwin-gcc in /usr/local/bin/

Creating more space

If you've freshly jail broken your device you'll most likely want to create a symlink to a larger storage area for all the tools and scripts you're going to be installing. To do this, SSH into your iTouch and issue the following as root (the root password is 'alpine' by default.)

mv Applications /private/var/

ln -s /private/varApplications /Applications

The basic framework

There are a few apps that you're going to need to get installed through Installer.app before you can proceed.

Community Sources - gives you access to a greater number of apps
BSD Subsystem - A set of UNIX tools and commands
Perl - you'll need this to run the Metasploit framework as well as Nikto (the web application scanner)
Python - if you want to run the sqlmap sql-injection scanner/enumerator
DNS Tools - includes nslookup, dig, nc
Stumbler - for getting details on available wireless networks
VNsea - VNC client for the iphone/itouch
MobileFinder - So you can browse the filesystem and open files
MobileTextEdit - Ideal for viewing output from scans, tcpdump logs etc
SysInfo - a good tool to kill, relaunch, renice processes.
Term-vt100 - This is much better than Terminal.app and has tab completion (which is a real boone when you're working on the tiny touch soft keyboard)
Services - This little app allows you to turn the SSH service on and off without having to use the command line tools. Quite handy when you need to conserve power.
OpenSSH - Depending on which jailbreak/unlocker app you used, you should already have dropbear installed and running once you've jailbroken your device. This provides you with the basic SSH access into the device, however it does not give you command line ssh access FROM your ipod. Installing OpenSSH fixes this issue. You have the option of manually removing dropbear from the ipod once you have OpenSSH installed however it makes not difference if you leave it there or remove it.

The security tools

Granted there are a 1001 security tools out there but we certainly don't need a 1001 solutions to get the job done. Also the iphone toolchain is still in its infancy and problems with getting a working compiler will keep you busy for at least a couple of hours if not days. As such a number of cool tools have not been ported to the iphone/ipod touch yet; hopefully this will change in the weeks and months to come :) I'm guessing by the time the full SDK rolls out, you'll start to see a lot of cool apps being ported.

Metasploit - Currently Metasploit 2 (written in Perl) works and msfweb seems to run and work most of the time - Metasploit 3 does not run due to the (still) broken installation of Ruby which is provided through Installer.app. In order to get Metasploit to work most reliably, you will need to ensure you ONLY run msfweb and Safari - running anything else in addition will either cause the ipod to restart or for safari to crash on load.

First grab a copy of the metasploit framework from here http://www.metasploit.com/tools/framework-2.7.tar.gz
Untar the framework and upload it to your ipod using sftp
I placed my install in tools/msf/
Create a symbolic link to msfweb in /usr/bin/ so you can start up msfweb from the terminal without too much typing:

ln -s /root/tools/msf/msfweb /usr/bin/msfweb

Open the terminal and run msfweb & to place the process into the background. If you don't append the &, the process will quit as soon as you switch away from Terminal to Safari. Do note that while the Ipod touch does have a fairly beefy processor, it does take a good 2 - 3 minutes before the msfweb service will be available via Safari so give it some time to load. If all goes well and you see the "msfweb started" message in the terminal you can now open Safari and surf to If Safari crashes while loading, just reopen it again and it usually loads fine on the second attempt. You might also want to create a bookmark to Metasploit in Safari to save you the trouble of retyping the URL each time you want to use it. To stop msfweb, kill the perl process through SysInfo.app

Nikto - The web application scanner runs perfectly well from the ipod and makes a great little companion app even though it's kinda of pointless against the newer web 2.0 apps. It runs on PERL and version 2.0 currently works perfectly fine on the itouch/iphone. it would be a good idea to pipe the output from any scans into a text file which you can then read with MobileTextEdit. You can grab a copy of Nikto from here: http://www.cirt.net/code/nikto.shtml be sure to run ./nikto.pl --update once you've transferred the folder over to the itouch/iphone or you could also run it before copying the folder over.

Sqlmap - this little python script works pretty well for retrieving remote databases, tables, columns and data through sql-injection methods. You can download it through svn:
svn checkout https://sqlmap.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sqlmap sqlmap Do note that only the older 0.5-rc2 version works perfectly on the ipod touch - The newer 0.5 and the latest svn version (0.6-rc4) does not run and complains of a missing parser.

Tcpdump - This already comes installed with BSD Subsystem and works pretty well. You'll need to pipe the output from the dumps into a text file for easy reading later.

Other apps worth trying to port

nmap - Even though the iphone toolchain is fairly robust, it seems it still requires a bit more work before you can cross compile almost anything. At the moment trying to build nmap for arm-apple-darwin dies when trying to either build libpcap-bpf or when building libpcre. Hopefully a future release of the toolchain will fix this issue.

ngrep - the same is true for ngrep at the moment - refuses to build with --with-pcap=bpf although I'm sure with a little messing around of the Makefile it will compile.

ettercap - I haven't tried compiling this yet

Some other useful links


Friday, May 16, 2008

Torrentula v1.2 - a BitTorrent Client for the iPod Touch


Mangolad (a.k.a. John) of the iPod Touch Fans Community Forums, recently posted about a Torrentula update that he now has available for download.

Torrentula v1.2 adds the ability to run the app on any and all firmwares available thus far.


* Jiggy Runtime: Install the newest Jiggy Runtime first from the installer. If you don’t see it listed in installer, add http://jiggyapp.com/i to your installer sources.
* BSD Subsystem: Most users will already have this.
* A way to download .torrent files onto your device: Use the HistoryDL.app (recommended) or the Safari Download Plugin to get .torrent files onto your device with mobile safari.

Download .torrent files to your device with the HistoryDL.app (recommended) or the Safari Download Plugin into the mobile (or root)/Downloads folder. The program will scan your mobile (or root)/Downloads folder for new torrent files, and will import any valid .torrent files regardless of their filename or extension. When a torrent has finished downloading from peers it will be automatically moved to mobile (or root)/Media/Downloads when tapped. Note: Torrents continue downloading even when program is closed. A device restart can often activate/fix stubborn torrents.

To download Torrentula v1.2, add the following source to installer: http://itouch.rockt.es/repo.xml

(Source: an iPod Touch Fans thread)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

iToilet to all apple addicted

Monday, May 12, 2008

Play All The Instruments In One Application on your iPod Touch.

Moo Cow Music are the creators of three of the most popular and exciting programs for the iPhone, which allow you to play virtual instruments - Pianist, Guitarist, and Drummer. Their next release - called ‘Band’ and due out in the next few days - looks pretty amazing.

Band looks as if it not only combines all the goodness of the three individual instrument apps, but also adds some seriously powerful new features that allow you to create, mix, and record music all within one program.

It even allows for adding your own custom new instruments relatively easily - and playing along with MP3 tracks.

Read on for the huge list of features and a link to a very cool video demo …

So, here’s the feature list for Band:

Play and record multiple instruments …

* Drums, bass, guitars, keyboards can all be played and recorded into one song from the same application.
* There are no limits on the instrument interface, enabling not only standard instruments but also unusual, outlandish, or completely novel instruments to be created and played.
* MooCowMusic:Band can be expanded with future instrument packs and user-created instruments.
* Multitouch - press up to five keys at once for complex chords.
* Animation shows keys being pressed, strings being struck, etc.

User-definable instruments …

* All instruments in MooCowMusic:Band are defined as simple text files, making it easy to create your own instruments to use within the application.
* As long as you can edit a text file, create or find some sound samples, and create a graphic backdrop, then you can design and build your own instrument.
* Alternatively you can import instruments that other people have created for you by simply copying them to the application Instruments folder.

Recording and Playback …

* Any instrument can be recorded, or overdubbed onto a previous recording.
* The only limitation is note polyphony.
* Each instrument has an overlayed panel at the top of the screen containing all the common controls for recording and choosing an instrument.
* Via a settings menu, the user can erase any mistakes by erasing select instruments from the mix, or even the last few notes recorded.
* After erasing, the user can go back and overdub replacement notes onto the track.

Metronome …

* To aid in timing, a metronome is available which can be enabled or disabled during recording.
* The metronome tempo is configurable, as is the number of beats per bar.

Advanced audio engine …

* Mono or stereo samples. 14.1Khz 16Bit.
* Multisampled instruments, with each key triggering a separate sample.
* Samples stop when you lift your finger, allowing more expression.
* Configurable Attack stage of playback allows samples to fade in gradually.
* Configurable Release stage of playback allows samples to fade out when you release the note.
* Samples can be defined to loop for as long as the key is pressed.
* Each instrument can be indepenently panned and its volume set, to position it in the mix.
* Each instrument can be muted.
* Each instrument can be soloed (mute all other instruments and just allow this one to play).
* Play along to your MP3s.

I’m not a musician - or anywhere near to being one - but even I find the Moo Cow programs a whole lot of fun - and this one sounds like it may well surpass even their already excellent output.

Check out the video demo HERE, and look for the app to be released (hopefully) in the next few days …

Via: MMi

Google reader application for your iPod Touch.

Feeds - the native iPod Touch app for working with your Google Reader RSS feeds - based on Google reader API.

You can find this application in installer app via search.
Nice feature on the last installer version.

It is easy just goto all applications list and search for application your need.

iReader - txt reader for large files on iPod® Touch

iReader - application supports only *.txt. But it is fast and have a nice solution for large file navigation. Left <-> right for next previous page and scroll up/down for inpage naviagtion.

iReader v2.0 - Download

features :
1. only support txt file, mainly for large size file and chinese encoding
2. using finger to scroll in current page, swiping left for next page, right for previous.
3. using gesture to change text font size
4. double tapping for Navigation Bar and Bottom Bar, the buttons function in bottom bar is as followwing :
first : change encoding
second : change background
third : reserved
fourth : autoscroll and paging
fifth : exit
5. default books path is : /private/var/root/Media/EBooks, you can change the setting in iReader.cfg just open file and add your local (CP1252).

double tap in application for controls show up.
1 button - change encoding (cycle) based on settings in file encoding_list.cfg
2 button change backgound
3 button - reserverd
4 button - autoscroll on/off
5 button - exit

OrbLive Streams Live TV to Your iPod Touch

iPhone/iPod touch only: You may be familiar with Orb for its music or TV-streaming abilities (it can even turn your Wii into a media center), but now the folks at Orb have taken on the iPhone and iPod touch with a new application called OrbLive. You can now stream live television to your device, in addition to music, videos, photos, and everything else Orb is known for. Hit the jump for a look at Orb's live streaming in action and a guide for installing OrbLive on your iPhone or iPod touch.

After giving OrbLive a good try, I'm happy to say it's been impressive so far. Live TV was a little glitchy, but watching my already-recorded TV went off without a hitch. You won't get great results over EDGE, especially for video streaming—but it's a really nice implementation, even if you're only going to watch a little TV from another room on your home network. OrbLive is freeware, and as you can see in the video, requires a jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch.

Topic From lifehacker.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

aMaze game

aMaze! - is excellent Labyrinth game. The goal is to pass ball thought Labyrinth to finish.

Game control based on 3D iPod Touch and iPhone controller. For trial version you'l get about 10 levels, some donation will unblock additional 69 levels.

Repository : http://www.simiotica.com/rep - add to Sources

remember the milk iPod Touch and iPhone client update

Hi there
I'm using rememberthemilk service and found today that, ipod interface i.rememberthemilk.com
require pro account for access. be careful.:)

Small update here.
rememberthemilk for iPod Touch and iPhone requires

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

winscp as PC client for your iPod Touch.

I'm using winscp as a client for my iPod Touch management.

This application is similar to Explorer and shell by functionality.
Using this application you can create folders, upload files
and execute standard UNIX commands on your iPod Touch.

This app use Wifi connection of your iPod. So to connect you have to specify IP address of the device (check Settings/Wifi/ your network and goto settings block).
than put username: root and password: alpine.

If this explanation is not clear please leave a comment to extend this article.

Reading books on iPod Touch

To start reading you should install application Books using Installer.

Custom text files should be copied into /var/root/Media/EBooks/ (you should create this folder).
Txt files should be in UNICODE. Supported file types are txt and html. You can also check book catalog in installer for free books (in English only).
Some books in Russian are available from this repository http://www.peko.ru/santafox/repo.

Monday, May 5, 2008

It could be your future and my as well:)

I just found that Apple starts iFund program. In simple words it is invest initiative for software companies developing for iPod Touch and iPhone platforms. As you may know Apple presents SDK (Software Development Kit) not so far. And it must change the world.

In a search of the next Big IDEA!!!

If you develop something exciting, please contact me and I'll bring additional attention and investments into yur company or development. Everybody is welcome.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

WeMahjong - nice game for your iPod® Touch

Here is old Chinese logical game.
One of my favourite.
The positive impact of the game is in memory train, vision concentrate.

Rules are following:

You have to find pair of symbol and remove it from the board. Symbol should be open (free space on right or left).
Goal of the game is to remove everything.
All symbols has 2 pairs.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Google News Now Looks Beautiful On Your iPod

Finally, Google News is now available for iPod Touch, for users in over 30 countries.

Google News for the iPod is here, and it looks really nice, as you can see in the image below. To reach it from your device, you have several options:

- Go to www.google.com, click on the “more” tab and follow the link to Google News
- Go to www.google.com and do a search, then click on the News link at the top of the screen
- Go directly to Google News at news.google.com in your browser

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Remember the milk application for iPod Touch

Here we are.
I believe sometimes you can't remember what to buy at the shop. Or you are missing things to do during your busy day.

Check out iPod/iPhone optimized site version.

No more misses get organized get reminders for anytime.

Checkout iPod/iPhone website version.

checkout i.rememberthemilk.com site, register and get 4D service available from Mobile, iPod Touch,

Web browser,
Email client.

Excellent service.

iFlight - flight status for iPod® Touch in realtime

You'll never miss your flight at airport anymore or get lost on gate changes.

All you need is:
You iPod Touch
Wifi Connection
and couple of seconds to update info.

Repository is www.smart-mobile.com/beta - Sources

Official repository


Community repositories

BigBoss: http://thebigboss.org/repo.xml
Developement tool: http://www.macminicolo.net/conceited/iphone/cache.plist
ModMyiFone.com: http://modmyifone.com/installer.xml
Packer Ste: http://repo.smxy.org/iphone-apps/
iPod Touch: http://www.touchrepo.com/repo.xml

new repository

AlohaSoft 1.0.2: http://homepage.mac.com/reinholdpenner/102.xml
AlohaSoft 1.1.1: http://homepage.mac.com/reinholdpenner/111.xml
AlohaSoft 1.1.2: http://homepage.mac.com/reinholdpenner/112.xml
Apogee LTD: http://apogeeltd.com
aXP: http://lostsoul.aeroxp.org/iphone/index.xml
BigBoss: http://sleepers.net/iphonerepo
Caissa: http://caissa.us (Caissa native chess)
CedSoft: http://prog.cedsoft.free.fr (iSnake/Bounce)
CopyCoders: http://homepage.mac.com/hartsteins/copycoders/copycoders.xml
Death to Design: http://iphone.deathtodesign.com
iApp-a-Day: http://iappaday.com/install
iBlackjack: http://patrickmccarron.com/irepo
Imagine09: http://home.twcny.rr.com/imagine09/Imagine09.xml
iPhoneDevDocs: http://idevdocs.com/install
IphoneSurge: http://iphonesurge.com/installer.xml
iSolitaire: http://iphone.rustyredwagon.com/repo
iUnlock: http://i.unlock.no
JMapps: http://jmwiki.com/repo
Limited Edition iPhone: http://limitededitioniphone.com/lei.xml
Mateo: http://bblk.net/iphone
Mobile Stacks: http://mobilestack.googlecode.com/svn/repository/internal.plist
Moyashi: http://hpcgi3.nifty.com/moyashi/ipodtouch/repository.cgi

Repository collection

MTL: http://home.mike.tl/iphone
Nuclear Design: http://nucleardesign.net/repository
R4m0n: http://iphone.r4m0n.net/repos
scummVM: http://urbanfanatics.com/scummvm.xml
Shai’s Apps: http://ride4.org/shai.xml
Simek’s Graphic: http://simek.ddl2.pl
Slezak’s Stuff: http://spencerslezak.com
Studded: http://studded.net/installer/index.xml
Swell: http://lyndellwiggins.com/installer/Swell
Touch Fans: http://touchrepo.com/betarepo.xml
weiPhone: http://app.weiphone.com/installer
Wizdom on Wheels: http://iphoneapps.wizdomonwheels.com

Installer application tips

It is main and best application manager and installer for iPod and iPhone.

It works will and firmware versions 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4
It contains repository archive with auto update feature.

So use it!

How to install new repository:

goto Sources:
press edit
press add one from here or directly from Story

type in address press ok and wait for update.

than your new applications from new repository should be available at install section under appropriate catalog.

For uninstall do the same in proper section

This application supports batch processing for installations.

Twinkle - Twitter client for iPod.

Twinkle - twitter client with Locate Me function support. So it looks like chat group near you with dynamic list of contacts and absolutely incredible atmosphere.

Full Featured GPS on your iPod

Developers of Gomite ( http://gomite.com ) presented their product officially, as a new serial model of LocoGPS wifi GPS extention работающего. It looks quite pretty and small and it has microSD card reader for the Maps. Software fir new wifi GPS developed with support of iGo. It based on iGo version 8. Approximate price will be around 120 euro.

textReader v0.3 - view text documents in PalmDOC format on your iPhone™/iPod Touch®

textReader - It is an application for iPod to read PalmDOC *.pdb format.

Safari : http://iphonebigboss3.com/repo/repo.xml - Sources


Palm doc .pdb files should be loaded into /var/mobile/Media/textReader (catalog will be generated automatically)